Fine Arts
Fine Arts Program at Sunshine Acres Children's Home - Choir & Drama
The purpose of our Fine Arts Program is to develop talent, strong relationships, commitment, leadership, and teamwork skills in members. We are goodwill ambassadors representing Sunshine Acres to the community at large, blessing others with our gifts and talents, while bringing awareness to the various programs and ministry of Sunshine Acres.
Sunshine Acres Children’s Choir: There are two choirs, the “Jellybean” choir for elementary ages and the Teen choir for ages 12 and up. The choirs rehearse from August each year until their tour season begins in November and continues through the following March. Each week they perform at local churches and community centers, presenting an inspirational program of hope and encouragement. Some of the children will also become members of our Chapel’s Praise & Worship Team, singing at each Sunday’s worship service throughout the year.
Drama and Media: Children learn to act out fun skits and illustrated sermons presented at our Chapel services on Sunday. They learn to use lighting, PowerPoint, puppets, sound and special effects to enhance their performance.