
Sunshine Acres accepts children between the ages of 5 and 15. No matter the reason for admission, a child can stay as long as he or she needs a home, even through college. We do not turn away children for financial reasons and we are licensed by the state of Arizona.

Who We Admit

Sunshine Acres admits boys and girls ages 5 to 15 (at time of admission), without regard to race, religion or national origin. We are not a treatment facility – children admitted to our care must meet the following requirements:
Children come to Sunshine Acres Children’s Home for a variety of reasons. Some have parents in prison while others have a parent who is too ill to care for the child. The family could be homeless or the child has been living with grandparents who find it difficult to care for their grandchildren. No matter what brings a child to our family, the child can count on Sunshine Acres to provide:


If you want to give your children a chance for a better life, you are our heroes.

Parents or guardians do not lose custody of their children while they are at Sunshine Acres. We encourage visits, phone calls and letters with your children. We are always happy when a child can reunite with his or her family. However if that’s not possible, the child will always have a family here at Sunshine Acres.

If you need to place a child in our care, please set up an appointment with our Program Administrator by calling (480) 832-2540 or email If you do not have transportation to come to Sunshine Acres, we can pick you up.